Setting up Codespaces IDE for puppet

After installing Docker-Engine and Docker-Compose, change directory into the corresponding tool you want to setup the environment for.

cd cs-puppet

Then all you need to do is to run

docker-compose up -d

This single command will initialize your Codespaces IDE.

Use Codespaces IDE

To use Codespaces IDE,

  • Open your browser.
  • Visit your machine's IP with port 8000. (Ex. or http://localhost:8000)

  • Now you will be presented with the Codespaces IDE console.


Nodes Available


Containers Purpose OS Port Exposed Host Port Mapped
puppet puppet Ubuntu 18.04 8000,80 8000,80
node1 Load Balancer Centos 6.8 80 81
node2 App Server Centos 6.8 80 82
node3 App Server Centos 6.8 80 83
node4 Database Centos 6.8 3306,80 3306,84

Managing Environment

Once created, you may want to stop the codespaces environment, or at times might have to recreate it completely, or reset a certain node. This section describes how to do so.

Stopping codespaces environment

If you would like to stop the environment created earlier, its as simple as the follows,

run the following from your codespaces directory

cd cs-puppet

docker-compose stop

The above command will shut down the containers/bring those to stopped state. You could easily start it all again, by running the following command from the same directory.

cd cs-puppet

docker-compose up -d

Resetting the nodes/environment

Since this is a docker based environment, its easy to rest a node, or even the complete environment.

To reset a node,

  • Find out the name of the node from docker-compose.yml


    image: codespaces/puppet-master:2.0.0
      - "8000:8000"
      - "80:80"
      JAVA_ARGS: "-Xms256m -Xmx256m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m"
      - workspace:/workspace
      - puppet
    container_name: puppet
    hostname: puppet
    restart: always

    image: codespaces/puppet-node-centos-6:v0.1.3
       - "81:80"
      - puppet
    container_name: node1
    hostname: node1
    restart: always

In the above snippet of node, there are two nodes viz puppet and node1

You could alternately use the following command to find the node name

docker-compose ps
  • Once you decide which node you are resetting, run the following command to redo it. I am taking an example of a node by name node1


docker-compose stop node1
docker-compose rm node1
docker-compose up -d node1

Replace the name of actual node with lb. That should help you redo the node

To reset the complete environment,

docker-compose down
docker-compose up -d  

The above command will recreate the nodes, without deleting your workspaces. Any files that you had created would still be available after you re launch the environment.