
What is Codespaces

Codespaces is a tool created by School of Devops to simplify your learning environment setup and offers an IDE with integrated workspace, editor, terminal and nodes.

Following digram is an example of a codespaces environment.


Setting up Codespaces

The easiest way to setup codespaces environment is by installing docker on your local system or even a remote server. Following section would point you to docker installation instructions.

Docker Installation

We assume that you have installed Docker-Engine and Docker-Compose in your machine. If not, please follow the below mentioned references to get started with Docker and Docker-Compose

Setup Codespaces Repo

Clone or download the codespaces-io repository by using either of the following commands

Option 1 : Git Clone

to clone using git,

git clone

cd codespaces

Option 2 : Zip File Download dont run this if cloned using above instructions

to download a zip file



cd codespaces-master

Once cloned/unzipped, make sure you have change into the codespaces directory ( codespaces/codespaces-master)

Setting up tool specific codespaces